Saturday, March 30, 2013

Deal With It

        What do students in business wear, dancing, and the shaking of many hands, have in common? All these things took place during Harriet Turk's speech during Speak Hard Youth Conference 2013. This conference is an annual gathering of student leaders to learn new things and gather information to take back to their schools. Harriet, a professional speaker, was the Keynote speaker of the 9th Speak Hard. Her keynote presentation was titled, Deal With It!

        Deal With It, but what is it exactly? She meant we have to deal with not being perfect and being judged. Everyone has their own definition of perfect. To some the definition of perfect is being athletic or being smart or being beautiful. Each and everyone of us gets to write our own definition of perfect. We can choose for it to be something that we will never attain and that tears ourselves down or we can choose something that we are and brings us up. People may judge and scoff, but we must breakout of our comfort zones and take that risk. As stated in Harriet Turk's chant --
I am somebody Special. If you don't like me, TOUGH.  
Cause I am Cool enough, Smooth enough, and Doggone it, 
I am Hot enough to be who I want to be. 

        We all CAN achieve our dreams, but we must work for them to be. We have the power to first dream and then strive to succeed. At first we may fail, but always try again and yet again. Others may laugh at your dreams, but choose to just to go for it and believe in yourself. Harriet Turk brought into realization that we each have our own dreams and when looked down on for them just quote her and say, "This ain't your dream!"

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