Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Note to Janee

     At first there was no words. There was no words to explain how I felt, what I was thinking, or if it was really sinking in. Now the words will not stop. 

      I can go on and on about the pain I feel from the losing a dear friend, but this is not about me, this is my note Janee. You were an inspiration to me, always including me even though I was just the tagalong little kid. I haven't seen you in several years, but the memories of the time we did spend together made up for it. Your smile was a reflection of you - always loving and a one of a kind. If I could take back time, I would just so I could tell you all this and how much you are loved. I know the event that happened resulted in losing you, but God sure did gain a great girl in heaven. 

     So as words continue to stir, I will end with just that - the Word. 
For in the beginning was the Word (John 1:1) and now the Word is the perfect ending. 

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Pray for Pastors. Be it your own Pastor, Pastors in the community, & Pastors serving around the world as missionaries. 
Pray for our Religion. Pray for other in the Christian faith & for others who follow a different Religion to be brought to Christ and see the truth. 
Pray for those in Authority. Pray for the ones in Authority of your school, the Authority of our Nation, the Authority of our churches, & the Authority of our communities. 
Pray for Yourself to be involved in reaching out. Pray You will be able to in Your community, Your campus, Your church, & Your nation. 


Monday, April 29, 2013


        The girl who sits next to you during second hour? Your best friend since you were four? A teacher who trust you to be in charge when they step out for a few moments? Your parents? Whose opinion should you trust?

        In today's society, its said we should trust our peers. Our peers who sees you everyday and who "really" know us by all the time they are forced to spend with us at school. If you do not call them a friend, but merely an acquaintance, their opinion should not matter to you. They can often twist words and what they have witnessed to get attention. They can be honest, but often in a way it hurts, such as behind another back. Their opinions may often cause pain and you must choose to raise above. This may be as simple as laughing it off and removing yourself from the situation.

        Friends often are our peers. Of course we should trust our friends, but must be careful of who we call our friends. Friends at times will not be honest for the sake of not hurting you feeling, but when the truth hurts you trust them enough to see it the way they do. Typically around the same age you can trust them with questions about style and such as they often have the same taste.

        Parents and Teachers? Ah, they are old and their opinion is outdated. By no means is this true! You should not only trust their opinion, but also their advice. They have watched you mature (or not mature) and can be trusted. They are figures of authority and deserve respect, their opinions do too.

        There is an opinion who is always honest, just right in how forward it is, and trustworthy. That opinion is God's. By reading his word and spending time in prayer and reflection we can not only get to now him, but also learn of his opinions. When a persons opinion is mean or when it is worldly, God's opinion should be put above all others.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Romans 12:2 (NIV)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Deal With It

        What do students in business wear, dancing, and the shaking of many hands, have in common? All these things took place during Harriet Turk's speech during Speak Hard Youth Conference 2013. This conference is an annual gathering of student leaders to learn new things and gather information to take back to their schools. Harriet, a professional speaker, was the Keynote speaker of the 9th Speak Hard. Her keynote presentation was titled, Deal With It!

        Deal With It, but what is it exactly? She meant we have to deal with not being perfect and being judged. Everyone has their own definition of perfect. To some the definition of perfect is being athletic or being smart or being beautiful. Each and everyone of us gets to write our own definition of perfect. We can choose for it to be something that we will never attain and that tears ourselves down or we can choose something that we are and brings us up. People may judge and scoff, but we must breakout of our comfort zones and take that risk. As stated in Harriet Turk's chant --
I am somebody Special. If you don't like me, TOUGH.  
Cause I am Cool enough, Smooth enough, and Doggone it, 
I am Hot enough to be who I want to be. 

        We all CAN achieve our dreams, but we must work for them to be. We have the power to first dream and then strive to succeed. At first we may fail, but always try again and yet again. Others may laugh at your dreams, but choose to just to go for it and believe in yourself. Harriet Turk brought into realization that we each have our own dreams and when looked down on for them just quote her and say, "This ain't your dream!"

Saturday, March 23, 2013

It's been three years . . .

It's been three years, Daddy. I'm a Junior in high school and top of my class. I know you are proud of me even if you aren't here. I am still swimming and won a medal at state this year. I plan to continue swimming in college. I have started my college search and wish you were here to help me with this huge decision. I enjoy making pancakes on Saturdays just as you and I did, although it does not take place very often. I follow the stock market, but I still don't understand it quite as you did. You will always be my hero Daddy. I really miss you and sometimes fear I am forgetting your voice. I know you are up in Heaven looking down and I can't wait to see you again some day next to Jesus. It's been three years since I have said "I Love You" before you passed. I still say it all the time and I'll say it again now, I love you Daddy!