Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2012 Olympics

Every four years the world gathers. We forget arguments and agree to a time 
of peace to compete for Gold, Silver, and Bronze. This is the most elite 
tournament held, the Olympic games. This year starting at the end of July 
the games will begin in London. Much waiting has taken place during the 
past four years as the spectators following their favorites and see new 
Olympians emerge. The competitors train and train hoping to gain a spot on
their country's team. Trials take place and the team is selected. I was lucky 
enough to witness the trials of my favorite sport, swimming. I watched as old 
time Olympians and some newbiesemerged. The trials were held in Omaha and 
the atmosphere at the Centurylink Center was amazing. I really wish I had a 
ticket to the Olympics as I'm sure the atmosphere will be even greater there as
you sit in stands filled with people from all over the world. I cannot wait for the 
games to begin. Go Team USA!!!!!!!!

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