Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Lights

 My little sister always says that all lights at Christmastime are Christmas lights, since they are lights and it is Christmas. She really does know how to make me laugh.
I love Christmas lights. Just the other evening a friend, my sisters, and I drove around town just to look at the Christmas lights (and take a few pics too). I've always heard that people light up their houses around Christmastime so Santa doesn't miss them. This is a novel idea, but to me people light up their houses for other reasons. To me house are decorated with Christmas lights to light up the world just as the star did that very first Christmas. 
If it wasn't for the star that first Christmas the wise men would not have been able to find and be changed by Jesus. That star announced the birth of our Lord to the world. 

After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem  and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him." 
Matthew 2:1-2

As I enjoy the Christmas lights I remember that very first Christmas and the gift God sent down to us.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow for Tomorrow Will Worry About Itself - Matthews 6:34

     Walking the halls of school where there are few students and just trying not to be noticed. Being scared to leave the classroom by yourself. Planning ahead if anything were to happen. These were common scene at my high school today.
      Word got out that a shooting threat had been made for Nov. 28th after teachers received a call and numerous emails on the matter. I heard about it yesterday and assumed it was just going to be a drill and that people where trying to scare me. Over one hundred students missed school (which was unexcused.) The kids in school were taking it lightly, just wanting some action, or not afraid and striving to be a hero. There was no lock down drill and no real shooting, but several people were kept in the office and questioned.
     I praise God that nothing happened and no one was hurt, but I can't help but think why all this fear. (Yes, almost everyone fears dying; whether a Christian or a believer of any other religion.) Rumors worked their way into the minds and clouded people's thoughts. What if I were to go around saying that a shooting could happen everyday, as this could be true? That everyone is dying as we speak, since just living brings us closer to death?
     As a Christian I find peace even in the storm -  "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."Jeremiah 29:11 NIV. -  I know that God's plan for me will follow His will and I know where I am going to spend eternity. As a Christian though I need to share this peace with others so they no longer have to live in fear, even though at times it is a very taxing job. Everyone deserves to know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose - Romans 8:28 NIV.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Little Things

Today I had to work a pool party. The pool had been rented out by a church to try to reach kids in the area and get them to attend church on Sundays. I normally like to work pool parties, but today I was not amused. I had other plans that I didn't know about until after I had been scheduled to work. The other plans were me going to see my cousin and her group present on their trip to Cambodia. I did go for about 15 minutes but then I had to rush off to work. When I arrived on job it was kind of frantic as someone decided not to show and we were a lifeguard short. Things were figured out and I headed to my favorite stand, stand two. Stand two is the top of the slides. I enjoy this stand as all you have to do is tell people if they can or can't go and if there really isn't a chance of you having to rescue anyone. The slides and the diving boards are really popular so it was pretty crowded; a constant stream of people climbing the two flights of stairs, waiting in line, sliding down, and doing it again. "You can go now," I said time and time again. For just a few moments I found myself alone, the sun was setting and the sky was beautiful. Soon I saw why there was no line, it was making itself up the stairs. A boy (he was nine and a half) with his father were in the lead and traveling quite slow, but no one seemed to care. As they reached the top I saw why the journey up around 20 steps had taken so long, one of the boy's legs was bowed and so he couldn't walk without support. I didn't stare but I really wanted to tell him how proud I was of him for climbing up all those stairs by himself. His father asked me if they could ride down together, a privilege allowed to parents with young children, and I couldn't say no. He sat his son down and then took a seat behind him. I nodded my head, letting him know that they could go. Laying down is the fastest way to travel down the slide, but with the two of them they had to sit. This made them travel down the slide quite slow. I know I don't like going down the slides slow, but as the boy came around the first corner his face was beaming. He was squealing and giggling with joy the rest of the short trip down to the water. I felt tears coming to my eyes. Twice more the scenario I just described played out. On his third and last trip the people in line behind him were cheering him on.

Something as little such as going down a water slide brought him so much joy. To me going down those slides is something I do almost everyday that I work. To me walking around with out leaning on someone or using special crutches is not a big deal, but to him it would have been. I've heard the saying, 'Take joy in the little things, because to someone else it's big.' A nine year old really taught me that today.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Sing- to make melodious sound; with or without words.
Singing a thing practically everyone can do. Some can sing
well, some can't. Some enjoy to sing, some don't. I am
a person who can sing well (at least I think) and enjoys
singing. I sing everywhere, such as, at home, work, school.
Tomorrow is my first day of participating in my school's
Show Choir. I have been a part of the 2012-2013 Treble
Effects, which is my high school's all girl choir, since may.
We haven't done any singing and some of us haven't even
met. We begin vocal camp tomorrow where we will be
singing for almost 3 hours. I am really excited to be in
Show Choir with a bunch of other kids who enjoy music
and love to sing.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Panama #2

Panama official language is Spanish. Over 90% of people in Panama 
speak Spanish. The second common language is English. There are 
also many native and indigenous languages spoken through out 
Panama. My sister left for Panama with a little Spanish under her belt,
but not much. She really went to speak in love, a universal language 
that requires no words. You speak love through simple acts of kindness 
and showing you care. Although  haven't had a chance to speak to her 
since she left I know that words are not always needed.                

My attempt on outlining Panama                                

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

2012 Olympics

Every four years the world gathers. We forget arguments and agree to a time 
of peace to compete for Gold, Silver, and Bronze. This is the most elite 
tournament held, the Olympic games. This year starting at the end of July 
the games will begin in London. Much waiting has taken place during the 
past four years as the spectators following their favorites and see new 
Olympians emerge. The competitors train and train hoping to gain a spot on
their country's team. Trials take place and the team is selected. I was lucky 
enough to witness the trials of my favorite sport, swimming. I watched as old 
time Olympians and some newbiesemerged. The trials were held in Omaha and 
the atmosphere at the Centurylink Center was amazing. I really wish I had a 
ticket to the Olympics as I'm sure the atmosphere will be even greater there as
you sit in stands filled with people from all over the world. I cannot wait for the 
games to begin. Go Team USA!!!!!!!!

Building a Fence

Sometimes we allow sin to grow in us. We know we shouldn't allow the sin let
its roots grow, but the devil makes it look appealing and we give in. Soon the 
roots of  our sin are so deep and thick we will never be able to pull them out.
Even with the Father's help we can never remove it completely, but with His help
we can control it by building a fence to stop its growth. We must maintain and 
keep the fence without holes or cracks, or the sin can began to grow again.                    

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Friendship is a noun.It isn't an adjective meant to describe something, it is a 
thingthat can be described.An example: The two boys grew up with each other 
and had a good friendship. According to Grace (that's me) the definition of 
friendship is a 
of another, 
an agreeing 
alliance, a 
bond that is 
acts of 
and love. 
I have had 
many friendships. Some stronger 
than others. Friendships help you 
learn and grow. I would like to thank 
all those 
who have
taken the 
time to 
my friend. 
I love 
you all, 
no matter 
how many 
miles or 
years separate 
us. Without 
you guys I 
would not 
be the girl 
I am.

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Panama #1

Panama is a little country on the south tip of Central America.
This country is where my sister is headed. Panama does not 
have an official Religion; there are Catholics, Christians, and  
Indigenous religions. My sister is headed there as a missionary 
to the unreached villages and islands in Panama. She will be 
there for fifty two days and will live the life of people who's 
lives she wishes to impact. She is traveling and working with
group called, "Global Expeditions"               
My Attempt on a Panama Flag :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Malinda's Wedding

down the
aisle to join
her husband
to be.
smile as
they stand
and turn to see
the beautiful bride.
A wonderful location,
outside in a field near a
pond with singing frogs.
The bride and groom holding
hands and staring intently into
the eyes of the one they love.
 Rings, 'I Dos', and kiss exchanged.
My cousin's last name is no longer the 
same as mine.Congratulations Ryan and
Malinda Gentry. June 1st, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

Some call this day 'The First Day of Summer.'        
Some just know it by the smell of barbecue and      
are in all the parties they our invited to. Memorial    
 Day is so, so much  more. It is a day to remember,
 pray, and be thankful. On  this day we should        
 remember all the veteran soliders and those who    
 gave their lives so willingly, pray for those who are 
currently out fighting for us, and be thankful to all the
 families of soliders past, present, and future. Today 
as we enjoy the warm weather , gather together with 
friends, and enjoy our freedom; remember freedom   
isn't free and is always something worth fighting for   .

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13

Monday, January 16, 2012

2011 Recap

So its a new year (Yes I know I'm a little late). 2011 has gone and 2012 has arrived. I am greatly looking forward to this new year, but its also good to look back. I am going to write a summary of 2011, probably just put in major events through out the year. So here I go

Got our family dog Stella. Had been waiting on a house visit and finally on the second someone came, and we got to get her on the third. Didn't know we would end up with her, actually thought we would be getting a floppy ear German Shepherd named Dolly, but Stella was their that day and so glad she was.
The real first month of winter. Sure the school had already had one snow day in December but it was nothing compared to what we would receive at the end of the month, The Blizzard of 2011 (look it up if you don't believe me). So coming from Cali snow is a huge thing. I love it just wish it didn't have to be cold for it to come. School was cancelled for a WHOLE week, which made school in the end last longer. It was so wonderful that my family had moved out here before the rare snowfall.

As a freshman it was my first year of high school swimming. For girls who swim high school in MO February is the big month. Conference and state are both in this super short month so you must be ready. I got second in the 100 Back and 100 Free at conference. At state I got 5th in the 50 Free and 8th in the 100 free. This is around the time when we discover that I could be a sprinter.
Another thing that happened in February is that my Grandma passed away. It was my mother's mom so she flew out when I was at state. My little siblings also went out as they were still homeschooled at that time. Glory and I had to stay in Mo as we couldn't miss our classes, but did fly out for a weekend for her funeral.
This is Glory's Birthday Month.

Once again able to go to Mexico with E.V Free of Chico, Ca. We spent a week in Mexico building a house for 6. It was a wonderful trip that ended  with a day in Disneyland. Wonderful trip and was so happy we got to go with the some of our Stockton, Ca friends again.

I began swimming on the USA swimming team Jasper County Killer Whales. This really has changed my life, for the better of course. I took all of March off from swimming, so was kind of hard to get back into the swing of things. Also the team practices in Webb City and hour away so I could only make it to practices once or twice a week, but love it anyways. JCKW has really become like a another family to me, all my swim teams do.

Finally school got out, way late because of the snow day. Summer break is here.

Helped with summer school. I worked in 1st Grade review. I would help kids write stories and create things. There was a little boy there who fell in love with me. He was a very weird kid and all the other students knew that, so he and I were line buddies. The one day I missed everyone said he cried for me, which is sweet but he was an annoying kid. Everyday asking me to spell the word Turtle, because in everything he wrote their had to somehow be a turtle.

Got to go out to California. We took a train out which was a lot of fun. Enjoyed Pancake nigh. Spent a week in Mission Springs at Family Camp. Got to see almost all my Ca friends and was a great summer vacation.
Flew back and the next weekend was spent at Summer Sectionals. Did surprisingly well for just taking off 3 weeks. Enjoyed really getting to know Madi, Genny, and Michelle.

Chosen and my birthday month and also the month school began.

Melody had a birthday slumber party which was the first real party we have had in this house. This is her birthday month and we had a picture scavenger hunt sleepover. A very fun and productive party.

My mom's birthday month and also Breast Cancer awareness month

My Dad's birthday month. I really miss him so it was hard. Sent him balloons again.
The High School did their 3 performances of 'Little Shop of Horrors' which I was in. Mainly did it because I love to sing, but had so much fun I want to do the play next year.
High school swimming started up.

Jesus's birthday month. He is the reason for the season. I love Christmas for many reasons so I really love this month.
Also went to Pro-Am a elite swim meet in OK. Had such a great time, especially getting to know Mercy better.

So that is basically my last year, probably missed a lot but that's okay. Was a good year, might not have been the greatest but really enjoyed it anyways.