A gateway to another world, books are simply wonderful. I am laying here smiling because I just finished a 470 page book I less than 8 hours (and that wasn’t even reading straight, I also made dinner and went for a run). While reading I could disappear, I could escape the real world. I absolutely love books because I love reading. The book can be old, new, paperback, hardback, fiction, non-fiction, have pictures, or have none (I do prefer real books over electronic versions). I also love the way a book smells. As they say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” They can be ones that I own and am rereading for the hundredth time or
they can be rented from the library and I am exploring the new adventure
for the first time. Books are a way that a person expresses themselves in a way they could never do aloud. They can be like a character or have similar qualities to all the characters in their book. I use to dream of writing a book, but I guess writing a blog will have to suffice.
Books = pageturning smiles